

23.12.2021 19:10

23.12.2021 19:15
LinkYour all just adding gasoline to the fumes, like yall just starting drama that dont needa be started, *not naming anyone but you know who you are* if they said they dont do zoophile crap why yall still ranting?? they apolozized and one of them who called them out, but deleted it -,- Like now your acting fckin immature. They apolozized and do you even have proof as to why you were saying they did zoophile? No. And you said it yourself. I could get some of the anims up rn but yall are just adding gasoline to the flames. As long as the person who started all this knows you guys are making rants and giving them attention, they aint finna stop. Like yall are immature. I dont support zoophile but just leave the poor person alone, and for the one who made the first post about the "Zoophile" Im sorry your being attacked but you did it too yourself. Thats all i have to say ^^

23.12.2021 19:19
LinkNot who started all this drama but one of the ranters, i found this offensive/srs.

I agree and I apologized to this person so please don’t attacking me, plus I apologized for ranting about someone instead of talking to them privately
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