Kaea's backstory chapter 5
10.06.2022 20:02
10.06.2022 20:17
LinkPg 14 chapter 5
The friendly chat
Kaea found Ryan sitting near the cliff, walking to him, sitting next to him. ' ' Kaea...last night, why did you sleep next to me? ' ' Ryan questioned. Kaea blushed, stuttering, ' ' w-well I was sleeping next to you because uh...I didn't want you to uh...be sad while sleeping! ' ' Kaea stuttered saying that. ' ' uh-huh. I see~ ' ' Ryan said in a flirting voice. ' ' Wh-whatever! ' ' Kaea responded. They both walked back to the base, talking. It was more like bonding as they were talking. Hannah was still jealous, she wouldn't stop looking at them. ' ' That fox won't get away with this. ' '
[ next page of chapter 5 ]
[ afk ]
10.06.2022 21:53
LinkPg 15 chapter 5
' ' yeesh take a break already. You'll find someone else and get pups. Just face it, Ryan likes Kaea just like how Kaea likes Ryan. You should go travel more. ' ' Xechno said.
[Afk again, AUGHHH ]
26.06.2022 05:16
LinkHannah said ' ' Thanks for the help. ' '. ' ' Ugh...I'm gonna go get some food, you should figure stuff out.. ' ' Xechno replied, as she walked away from the cave, with a scar on her torso, slightly bleeding. Hannah sighed, and yet she decided to think. Kaea and Ryan ran together, and bonding even more. Ryan kinda ran faster than Kaea, But Kaea tried her best to catch up. As soon as they got tired out from running they took a water break. Kaea's tail wagged seemed like she loved Ryan now. They Ran back to the base of the pack. Kaea soon fell asleep next to Ryan, Ryan blushed, but he liked it.
End of chapter 5 :]