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Lgbt should accept feet fetish


11.10.2022 18:18
LinkFeet fetishes should be added to LGBTQ community.

11.10.2022 18:19
LinkWhat is a Foot Fetish?
A foot fetish is a sexual attraction to feet. This attraction can include many different aspects; from smelling, to touching, to seeing feet, to the actual feet being used as a sex toy. It can also mean being turned on by someone else touching your feet. Foot fetish is a form of sexual fetishism in which a person is sexually aroused by feet. Foot fetishism can range from the desire to smell or lick the feet of one person (or both people if mutual) to the desire to be trod upon or have the feet squeezed.

11.10.2022 18:19
LinkWhy should people attracted to feet be added to the LGBT community?
Although it is a sexual fetish, it is often not viewed as a sexual attraction. For example, even though a bisexual person may be attracted to both men and women, they are still viewed as a sexual person. However, if a person has a foot fetish, they are viewed as just being perverted. The LGBT community has come a long way, but the foot fetish community has been left behind. People view a foot fetish as something perverted

11.10.2022 18:19
Linkbut they do not see it as a sexual fetish. While the LGBTQ community has been growing, the foot fetish community has been shrinking. Most people in the foot fetish community do not want to be associated with the LGBT community. But foot fetish should be added to the LGBT community because it is a sexual fetish that is often misunderstood.

11.10.2022 18:20
LinkWhat do i do if people discriminate against my love for feet?
If people around you discriminate against you because of your love for feet, they do not understand your fetish. All you have to do is educate them and let them know that there is nothing wrong with having a foot fetish. There are many people who have foot fetishes and it is important to let them know that they are not alone. Be proud of your fetish and do not let anyone shame you for it. Also, try to find people online who are also into feet.

11.10.2022 18:20
LinkWhy are people attracted to feet?
There are many different reasons why people are attracted to feet. For example, some people get turned on by the smell of feet. Other people are attracted by feet because they are soft and smooth to the touch. There are also people who are attracted to how feet can be used as a sex toy. Feet are a part of the human body that is often left out. Many people do not think about the fact that they have 10 toes on each foot. But people with a foot fetish see the beauty in the little things. People with foot fetishes like the fact that feet are used to walk us through life. They like the fact that they can be used to massage our back muscles or that they are there when we need to relieve some stress.

11.10.2022 18:20
LinkSumming up.
From most people’s perspective, a foot fetish would not seem to be synonymous with sexual orientation. However, these fetishes deserve just as much attention, respect and recognition as any other type of sexual orientation. The foot fetish community has been ignored for too long. It is time for people to acknowledge that a foot fetish is not a perversion but rather a sexual fetish. The foot fetish community should be added to the LGBTQ community because it is a sexual fetish and it is important for people to understand that there is nothing wrong with having a foot fetish.

11.10.2022 18:23
LinkPlease like this post, Get it onto the popular page.
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i cant believe were so accepting as an unaccepted community. we need more sympathy for ppl with feet fetishes fr fr