Request from FallenIcarus13
Procrastination lvl 10
Don't Break It
💖Saber "Fate Stay Night"
Lmao still doing it pissbaby
23.06.2021 23:17
LinkYea I’m fuvking call you names and what?
Cry about it. I already know you are gonna attach the anim to your responses and put my user in them to
Like stfu they know who you would be talking about stupid b itch
I only told my friends because they were actually there telling me what’s wrong. That was the only time I told them that shit you bring this shit up to your girlfriend all the time when I make a post like this
Like what you want me to go back onto the podcast w/ then and talk about how you lied to me about ages and shit??
Or I could leave it the fuvk alone like I have and haven’t been getting other people into my business like you fuvking do.
And I’m glad no one but you and your stupid girlfriend reads this because haha yeah fuvk you
DoEs ThAt MaKe sEnSe.?
23.06.2021 23:18
LinkPh crap that’s a lot more then I thought
23.06.2021 23:22
LinkUhhuuhhh so you don’t want to spoil out my personal life now a part of me wishes we never met
I am honestly so glad I never dated you. SO FUVKING GLAD.
I lost feelings while knowing you lied about it to make you feel better about yourself. Although it was kinda fuvking bad. Look what you are doing nooww