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ediyas lore drop
07.08.2020 01:37
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07.08.2020 02:10
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raised by a rabbit lusus and an oliveblood, ediyas ****ing sucks. he grew up in a secluded cottage in the country where he was taught from an early age how great the hemospectrum was. as a young troll he dreamed of becoming a threshecutioner alongside his moirail, a fuschiablood named hedlia. ediyas had a pretty cushy life, and he was very stable. until he started using a futuristic chat app called trollian, where he came in contact with the girl of his nightmares, astrid. astrid is a troll born on a planet after a sburb session. they quickly develop a kismesitude that is blacker than the kettle, and ediyas has half of his quadrants filled. feeling pretty good he decides to take hedlia out on a pale date, where he catches him soothing a purpleblood. seeing that they know eachothers names and are very touchy feely, ediyas puts two and two together and breaks it off. feeling absolutely crushed, ediyas left and ran back to his hive, where hedlia had left him a wriggling day present.
07.08.2020 02:25
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it was a new sickle, another reminder that ediyas was going to be shipped off to fight a war that he wasnt sure if he wanted to. ever since he found out astrid was a limeblood, all his faith in the empress, hemospectrum, and his own morals started crashing down and confusing him. he cried and cried and cried. he got in touch with astrid, and they did a bit of pale vacillation which. oopsie! even more confusing feelings for ediyas. he started getting even more self loathing for being a bad troll, doing things an obedient citizen would never do, but also started hating himself for being hemophobic and hating his girlfriend, who he already hates but its a different kind of hate. this caused ediyas to have a *really* tough sweep, but theres some good stuff coming. ediyas goes to sleazy casino one night, where he meets russel. russel is a hard as nails bartender and blackjack dealer. hes incredibly protective of the people he cares about, but also incredibly secretive.
07.08.2020 02:30
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this makes ediyas as flushed as possible. a handsome, tough, mysterious boy? sign him up! but not so fast. ediyas attempts to make moves on russel, but he quickly turns him down. not only does russel think ediyas is incredibly annoying, hes also going to be sent off to fight in the space war in a couple months. ediyas is as well, so he suggests they make the most of it, as well as not get culled by the drones. they ****, is what im saying. they both get their buckets filled, and russel stays the night at ediyas's because the sun is coming up. as hes sleeping in the recuperacoon next to ediyas, he notices that ediyas whimpers and shudders in his sleep, as well as having several scars on his body. the pity takes over russel and oops, now hes flushed too. but theres a problem. russel is a walled off, hate filled, teenager. he doesnt want to get too attached to anybody else, that will just make leaving the planet harder.
07.08.2020 02:38
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but russel tells himself that its just a one night stand, and that he can get attached for just tonight. he cuddles up against him in the recuperacoon and imagines himself being younger, and having the opportunity to fall in love. in the morning ediyas asks if russel wants to go on an actual date, and russel accidentally jumps at the offer. after another date russel realizes that 'oh **** i cant not date him.' the two start going steady, and russel and ediyas make some of the happiest memories of their lives. but where is astrid? you might be asking. dont worry, i would never leave her out. ediyas approaches astrid to tell her that hes probably never going to be able to talk to her again in a couple months, and angst ensues. dont worry, there will be a happy ending. i think. see thats all i have planned out right now, still trying to see how many of my ocs and my friends' ocs i can interweave into this story of love, hate, and rebellion.
07.08.2020 02:39
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i didnt even TOUCH on the tension between ediyas and russels moirail, due to his past as hemophobic, or ediyas's time in threshecutoioner trainging, or his obsession with legislacerators. this is just for me to remember what i had in mind lol.
07.08.2020 02:47
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also for like the 3 people that care, heres an ediyas pinterest board https://www.pinterest.com/auguele/ediyas/ i also have a few others for other ocs on my accoutn if you wanna take a look.
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