07.03.2019 23:24
Linkhi i`m splendid i am not good at drawing or drawing letters but please follow me, and like please!!, and i am not bragging if i do memes because my meme draws are horrible so please don`t feel insulted, and if you comment please no sexual, mean, or stuff you 'KIDS` should not say unless you`r 16+ but that`s only if, you can also watch my animal jam channel on youtube but i quit and i never upload only my brother and sister but they got banned name on youtube is my sister`s name ( chyanne roper ) (step sister) :D i have 10 subscribers because their videos are not THAT good but i dont know what to say about them, anyways i`m splendid i`m a male flying squirrel, don`t be hateful bc of my drawing and this comment please unless your just mean like that :) OwO ,don`t take this weirdly but, each like is a new love OwO