@Nightmare rp?
04.12.2019 05:35
Linksure :) itll keep my mind off of things lol
04.12.2019 05:38
LinkOki yay :D
04.12.2019 05:40
LinkWho do u wanna use?
04.12.2019 05:40
ill use Milo and Mystery
04.12.2019 05:42
LinkI'll use Pepper and Mitcha
04.12.2019 05:43
Linkok :)
04.12.2019 05:44
LinkHmm im not to sure do u hv one?
04.12.2019 05:45
04.12.2019 05:46
LinkHmm mabye we can do camping trip or feral pack story idk lol
04.12.2019 05:46
Linkooh i like those
04.12.2019 05:47
LinkOki :D
04.12.2019 05:50
Linkare we doing the camping trip or the feral pack?
04.12.2019 05:50
LinkHmm mabye we could try feral
04.12.2019 05:51
04.12.2019 05:51
LinkWho start?
04.12.2019 05:52
Linki can
Milo sighed deeply, he laid down and cuddled into himself to keep warm as the chilly wind blew into his face. His tail pat the ground agitatedly.
Mystery flew in circles before she started to get cold, she gracefully landed by the lake and looked over to Milo. She waved to him. "Oh, hey, Milo!"
Milo looked up at her and shot her a smile before looking back at the lake.
Mitcha glanced around. "For intrudinh on u two..." she blushed and started to turn away.
Pepper hid secrets... terrible secrets that could one day be the end of her pack.
Moonfog paced around her rocky cave. "How dare Pepper banish me." She growled as flame flickered in her eyes. "Dumb dog..., I'll burn them she knows i hv the element of fire that could destroy them all... hehehehheheh"
Mitcha started to feel her larva boiling inside. Why did everyone hate her? Should she just leave... mabye she shouls and never come back. Thats what I've got to do I'll leave tonight Mitcha thought to herself. "ARRGH WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME CAUGHT UP IN THIS CRAP!!!!???" She roared at Mystery as her lava spilled. "AAAA U ALL HATE ME... OK I GET THAT BUT CANT U JUST AT LEAST BE A BIT FRIENDLY" Mitcha turned.
Mystery backed up a little, she then stared at Mitcha. She growled, "I'll be coming back for you." She flew away.
Milo watched her fly, he nervously took a step towards Mitcha. He put a paw on her. "I'm sorry about that... she's a little.. weird. Don't take anything she says too seriously..." He hugged her.
"I'll be right back then~" She extended her wings and flew off, diving back down to the lake and catching herself right before hitting the ground. She landed and looked around for Milo.
Milo was banging his head against a tree trunk.
Mystery gave him a weird look, "what are you doing?"
"uGHGHHH!" was all Milo responded with.