Storytime xd


06.04.2020 03:02

06.04.2020 03:05
LinkSo since im the oldest child and most mature (obviously) i get to be the one walking into stores to buy things if my mum isnt around. Today we had to geg chlorine for our pool. And i felt very awkward. I had been given specific instuctions to touch the chlorine wih my right gloved hand and nothing else. Then my dad wanted to get a plant. So i had to hold a plant and a tub of chlorine and a plant with only one hand. It was challenging since my coordination and clumsiness decided to die (they never exsisted in the first place). I got to the register. I dropped the plant once trying to put it down for the guy to scan. Dropped it again trying to take it off the counter. Therefor making a large mess and being very awkward about it afterward.
W e l p

06.04.2020 03:06
LinkAlso my dad is diabetic so his life is on the line if he gets corona which is why he doesnt buy hings