25.02.2020 17:57
LinkWhat would you do with all the money in the world? Honestly i would buy a huge house for my family, donate some, Buy a Mcdonalds bc i can, Open a succesfull buisness, Become richer with that, Open a restaurant and eat food free there and spent all day gaming inside and chatting with friends undercover so they wont know me as a Rich person.
25.02.2020 17:58
Link(btw he is standing on a yacht. i know it doesnt look really like one but so u know)
i would donate money to the poor and homeless Get a job Buy 4 houses each one for my mom, brother, sister and me. I would even sometimes buy a house for the homeless to live in and by furniture for them and i would make a candy factory that is free you so can eat the candy for free. And use some money on my youtube channel