Request #2 Cocoadoggo45
Serena From Vaniville Pokemon
04.10.2020 17:33
LinkI'm typing this to apologize to any which I may have offended with what I said. I'm sorry if I hurt you or made you feel like you don't matter or what it may have been. I know sometimes I maybe should re-read comments maybe, and I may not have been careful with some words. I'm sorry for making it seem like I hated any of you, honestly not my intentions..
Also please do not hate on a full religion, because of what one individual may have done? Also especially on my God
So, I am sorry, and I'm not expecting all of you to forgive me right away, but I am apologizing.
I love you or at least I should try to <3
04.10.2020 17:34
04.10.2020 17:34
Linkdont comment on his chain bro
Christianity in itself is not homophobic. Infact, the first Bible ever written wasn't homophobic. The verse "a man should not sleep with a boy" refers to pedophilia being bad, NOT homosexual relationships. In fact, it also said God made homosexuality to help prevent overpopulation. Though when it was rewritten in a new language, the whole "a man should not sleep with a boy" verse was mistranslated into something more homophobic.
none of us hate you for being a christian. we all made it clear we dont hate christians as a general group. we just dont like homophobes, transphobes, and people who brush off peoples trauma and shove it in their face.
please next time someone says they have trauma with a church like smilingnyan
respect that
because it takes a lot to discuss a trauma.
i dont accept the apology,
but thank you for taking your time to see your faults. its greatly appreciated. :)
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This is good and it’s sucks that this had to happen on the internet. It just turns into something it doesn’t have to be. I just get worried about stuff like this because I have some pretty stubborn Christian’s in my family. However I know they’re not all like that, I used to be one my self. Just try to remember that no creature is worth any more than any other. So love thy neighbour as they say.