- create flipbook animations online!
I need a break
26.02.2018 19:49
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Stress. I had to leave my church, my second home, and go to this new one full of a bunch of stuck up teenage girls that wear converse and always have their phones in their hands. We're moving this year. This home-school thing isn't working and my grades have dropped drastically. I have to change schools this fall and meet new people which terrifies me. My family is choosing my future and I don't have a say in it. My anxiety needs medical or mental attention at this point because it's affecting my depression and choices and just everything about my life. All of this drama always follows me. My friends are always coming to me for help and I let them. I constantly help others with their problems but no one ever asks about mine and I know that seems selfish but I have done nothing but help for eleven years and I love helping my friends but not once have I ever been helped. I usually don't let anything get to me. I haven't cried in three years. I haven't panicked in two. I haven't asked for help.
26.02.2018 19:53
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I want to help and do things and don't expect anything in return, and honestly I'm not going to do anything about any of this. I'll go wherever I'm forced to, do whatever I have to, I'm not going to do anything about it because I can't. Let's face it. I can't do anything on my own. My family is smarter than me, I won't argue. I just had a panic attack for the first time in two years. I'm not going to bring it up with my family. I'm not going to tell them anything. Like I said, I do what I have to. If that means keeping all of this to myself, then I will. I'll draw and then lock the drawings away. People wonder why I never let them open my closet drawer. I'll be back by Wenesday.
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