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rant on romance subplots
25.07.2021 23:48
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please, for the love of god, don't add in romance subplots. it ruins the entire story. i don't want to see nor read two straight white people having relationship beef. i want to see/read the plot that i am after originally. please, please, romantic subplots are utterly pointless and not enjoyable. every time i watch/read something, and the subplots are of romance, i will not be invested nor will be watching/reading more. also if you're adding subplots of romance, PLEASE DON'T DO THE GENERIC STRAIGHT COUPLE HAVING PROBLEMS. if you want a good romantic subplot, make it interesting, don't make the climax about them having a near break-up. that's the most generic/stereotypical subplot ever. don't make the couple of stereotypes either. in straight couples, don't make the woman the most weakest person ever, generically super hot/pretty and please don't make them so feminine that their skin becomes of pink. don't make the man the most mascular man ever, don't make him somebody that women need, and-
25.07.2021 23:55
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don't make the man unrealistically hot. for lesbian couples, stop with the bad girl and soft girl trope. gay couples, same thing as the lesbians. well, doesn't matter, i'll hate the subplot anyway because i hate romance. love is complicated, and i've never truly felt it. the only thing i feel is admiration for people hence why i try to get into relationships with them. dunno why i can't really feel the romance feelings.
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