Contest! (Let me type)


13.06.2020 04:21

13.06.2020 04:22
LinkSecond contest! thank you all for 900+ follows!

13.06.2020 04:23
LinkThe rules for this contest are simple, all you have to do is draw my BNHA OC, Maya in your own way/style.

13.06.2020 04:24
LinkExtra points could potentially be rewarded for incorporating her quirk as shown in this Anim.

13.06.2020 04:25
LinkSame goes for if you draw her in her hero costume. Or if your submission is animated.

13.06.2020 04:25
Link18+ is allowed, but no nudity please.
Contest ends on June 22nd (date might change)
1st place will get 40 likes, Fanart, and a detailed animation request
2nd place will get 30 likes, and a simple animation request
3rd place will get 20 likes
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I'm gonna join but I have a few questions.
1) As the anim demonstrates, it appears she is creating some kind of "light blast". Her quirk says she can manipulate light and radiation. I was wondering how she was creating a light blast this way.
2)When you say manipulate light and heat, do you mean she can make shapes with it?
3)Could she create a controlled blast that could be like a laser? pew pew
4)If she wanted, could she store light? If not then it would suck if villains found that out lol
5)Her costume is really showing, I wanted to know if it's because she could absorb sunlight through all skin but her hands were just an outlet.
Sorry to go all Midoriya on you! ^^""
I'm joying

The light blasts was her redirecting the sunlight at the camera.
And I probably should have explained this better but her quirk allows her to change and manipulate the individual aspects of sunlight
Basically she can redirect sunlight and make it as bright, hot and as dangerous as she pleases. She can pick and chose how dangerous the sunlight will be when it hits someone.
By manipulating i mean she can change the amount of a certain aspects such as how bright or hot it is when she redirects it. She can give someone sun poisoning if she's not careful.
And yes that's exactly why her costume is showy, she can absorb sunlight for later use if she has to but can only use her hands to manipulate it.
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