i have no idea
20.06.2018 16:18
LinkBootiful XD
20.06.2018 16:18
Linkstory time! (wait for a sec
20.06.2018 16:19
As she walked downstairs for her computer her eyes started falling constantly, blocking her line of vision. She didn't have to wake up really early but she did. cause sheh stupid dur. anyway. She had finally reached the back room in the house and grabbed the computer. She brought it to the couch and plugged in the charger. And she opened it. She clicked on her profile (because I have an old computerXP) and typed in her password. Then she waited. and waited. and waited. and then her dog jumped on the couch and sat next to her. "Snickers i'm not in the mood I just woke up" the girl said. He still laid there next to her "Whatever." The screen was still loading. "What the heck is wrong with this computer?" It ended up finished loading in 20 years later.
Voila they piece of resistance >:3