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My Tragic Birthday Story (lmt)
20.11.2021 20:43
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It was great! There were a few girls and one boy and one transgender kid. It was fun. Suddenly, everyone started forward rolling down the slide on the bouncy house. It looked fun. I wanted to do it, but I had to practice. My friends watched me do it for the first time! It felt AWESOME. I wanted to do it more. There was also a red head girl there named Maya with freckles (a lot of people abuse and bully these kinds of people) and she was adorable! I was suddenly rolling down the hill when I was shocked and my foot hit her face really hard! I started to cry because I thought my ankle was broken AND I felt bad for Maya! I ran away from everyone (on one foot of course) screaming “ow” and crying really hard. Maya cried too. I think she left after that. (My fault…) I said it wasn't her fault. It was mine. I wasn’t watching where I was going, and I didn’t want to hit her in the face. Suddenly my foot couldn’t move (it still can’t) they had to bust out the first aid kit to check my foot. The end uwu
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