do not like this ->-, lmt
09.03.2021 23:23
Linkthis ref , ahem
09.03.2021 23:31
Linksooooo your oc was in a mental asylum for going insane over your parents death- right in front of your eyes. anyway , you have some friends , such as (insert more oc of yours names , you can add them) but ava was one that your oc got a wierd feeling about , she of couse was in there for almost the same reason. she killed her mom and went mental , shes been here since she was 6 , same as your oc. (srry tv) she was one day just writing and almost sane , your oc went to meet her , to see if she was ok to help you escape . wwyd?
09.03.2021 23:35
Linki said dont like >:C
also , you dont need ref
09.03.2021 23:36
Linkava straight if ship , also use hooman pls.
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