

10.03.2019 22:09
LinkOh really

10.03.2019 22:09

10.03.2019 22:10
Linki did some research..

10.03.2019 22:15
Linkso apparently in 2 or 4 weeks she'll probably have her feelings back but... I also researched you can die within a certain period of time after waking up from your coma whether it being two weeks or 4 or a day or an hour..

10.03.2019 22:17
Linkugh.. it just hurts... so much..

oh my god, i'm so sorry about your gf. But at least she will recover, right? I'm really sorry...i hope she get's better.

Oh, no, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope things get better. I'm really sorry to hear that. I hope she recovers well.

You know.. I was gonna get a job at one of my downtown shops cause i thought it'd be a good way to make money to save up and visit her and get her flowers one of those big ****ing teddy bears and i recently got my baseball jersey a few weeks ago so i was thinking of getting her one of those too with some candy and i was gonna save up for a flight and i was gonna go visit her.. and i was actually willing to talk to her parents cause ive seen they control her insta acc

but.. she lost her feelings and her feelings for me ontop of it..... she refused to let me help her get her back.. god why does life have to do this to her... put her in a coma and make her lose the one who was gonna be the love of her life like she said... I was so ready to marry her regardless of my age (depends on which age you can marry

I cried so many times and still am for the past... every sine this morning.. I thought i was gonna wake up and she'd wake up from her coma today and id be there for her and hold her and help her in any way until she said that and now im so hurt i just i just cant do it anymore.. Im hurt because i dont have her anymore.. I havent eaten anything all day... I don't even think i am for a while..