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July the Hedgehog YT
01.01.2021 20:12
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Hello I am July the Hedgehog. You can also call me AngelBoxKart which is another gaming name or animation name that I use for my gaming and FlipAnim accounts! Quincy, Christophor (For), my best friend Fresh and I love to go on adventures with the Freedom Fighters to help save the world from Eggman and the dreaded demigod Demise, who wants to destroy humanity and relationships. Demise is the son of the evil dark overlord, whom wants no living to exist! My friends and I do what we can to stop the evil troubles that he causes. Im sure off of my account you have noticed some comments that I have said mentioned something called the WhiteThing. It is a tall white lean figure that has big black eyes. It also seems to crave destruction, so the Freedom Fighters and my friends suppose that it is linked the the dark overlord. The WhieThing sticks around with another one of its kind which we call the BlackThing. The BlackThing is basically the same thing as the WhiteThing but is Black with deep white eyes...
01.01.2021 20:18
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Cheesy Rat, or you could also call him Darren, and his son who he adopted as a kit called Grails,(because he looks like a green Tails with only one tail, green+Tails=Grails) fight the WhiteThing and its friend, the BlackThing, to stop them from harming anybody. They have been through a lot to keep themselves and other safe. Cheesy Rat is pretty much the only one that can get the WhiteThing down, he can't beat it, but he can somewhat get it to fall to its knees and disintegrate into the forest ground only for it to come back the next day.
01.01.2021 20:25
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Silver the Hedgehog found himself from another universe. It was a smaller version of himself that no hand buff on his hands and no ruby/button on his boots and had no telikenesis.(Hope that I spelt that right). The smaller version of himself was about ten years of age and he called himself Meatball Silver. He called himself that because in his universe he worked at a meatball factory and accidentally fell into a big pot of radioactive meatballs. Blaze in his universe whom was about the same age that had no powers as well also worked at the meatball factory. She pulled him out of the pot and that's how he gained his meaty powers. Meatball Silver wasn't too sure how he had gotten to Silver the hedgehog's universe. When Silver noticed how lost Meatball really was he decided to take him under his wing. So now Meatball lives with Silver and tags along on the crazy adventures!
01.01.2021 20:31
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Fresh was adopted by the Green Hills Cafe owner along with his older brother named Spiffy. Spiffy was never really nice to Fresh even though they were brothers. Fresh's whole childhood was pretty much terrible. All of the kids were mean to him and he constantly got bullied. One day he was in the Green Hills Park sitting alone on a bench. Soon I came along and we became the bestest of friends! Fresh was once saved bye two fox brothers named Buddy and the older one, Quincy. Soon we were one big group of friends until For came along. He befriended us as well and we all became great friends battling badniks and saving our little town in Green Hills.
01.01.2021 20:36
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I was adopted by the Green Hills Hotel owner named Richard DuPont. He was practically my one and only father. He cared for me like I was the only thing that mattered in his world. Apparently I was pretty lucky because I lived at a famous hotel and I had people that cared about me. So when I first met Fresh, my heart sank. I get so bad for him. So I decided to bring him up and become his friend because he needed me more than anyone else did. He was very grateful for my kindness and soon enough we were those two kids that were inseparable. We were always together. Best friends for ever. Until one day...
01.01.2021 20:43
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It was Fresh's birthday and the only thing he had asked for was a little backpack. I surprised out of anything he could have wished for he only wanted a backpack. So I got him a backpack. He was really happy that night. We hung out together for a few hours until it was time for me to go home. He offered to walk me back to the hotel. I took his offer and off we went. We were both quiet for a while, until Fresh started to say something. Suddenly he got interrupted by a creepy voice saying to stop where we were. We were both terrified. Suddenly Fresh yelled out,"RUN!!!!," so we both bolted and the thing started speaking. It said something about suffer?Suddenly as I was running I started to feel kinda funny. I turned and looked at Fresh who was holding my hand while we were running for our lives. Then things got worse. I died. Right on the spot. Everything went black. Then I saw myself lying on the ground bleeding from my chest and Fresh was kneeled down next to me. I was confused then suddenly I got grabbed...
01.01.2021 20:47
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Can you guess what grabbed me? If you guessed Demise, then you were right. And then I was held hostage for four whole years. I didn't feel that long. Time wasn't even really long. Everything was so fast. But, to make a long story short, Fresh and the Freedom Fighters brought me back and we got to have many, MANY more adventures together. (Story created by AngelBoxKArt, bag3as, Kitty0paw0paw, Jackie0joe, countus10 and Jackiejoe.)
26.02.2021 01:25
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Wow, I remember writing this-LOL. The story actually changed a lot... I'll have to rewrite it someday/sometime.
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