

26.04.2021 01:26
LinkI think I remembered you saying lynx wolves only have inners well does that mean my boi LD can have an inner? UwU

26.04.2021 01:36
Linkwhat breed is LD? all my species are to be asked before making an OC out of them....... Lynxwolves, koi wolves, Angler wolves, winged lynxes, demon hearts, dire lynxes and the other ones I come up with are all MY species, so you have to ask to make him my breed... I will let it slide because the thought of lemon demon as my breed and protecting a bb demon with an inner is too FRICKIN QT X3. also because you made LD a while ago, and I didn't say anything E.

26.04.2021 01:45
LinkHe’s a lynxwolf

26.04.2021 01:52
LinkSo does that mean no or yes?

27.04.2021 04:49
Linkyis e