I'm just a let down.
18.04.2019 00:15
no ur not
18.04.2019 00:16
LinkShut it
I can name so many reasons why I am.
18.04.2019 00:17
Linkhehe me too
not for u, for myself
Lol wot? Bro it dont matter if you’re “bad at art and/or animation” or if you “are dumb” or “socially awkward” in ANYONE’S opinion (including yours) because it doesnt make you a let down. Like... nobody’s perfect. But youll find that most people have a hard time caring whether you are “good enough” or not. And hey, even IF you do let some people down (including yourself) you can often make other people’s days just by talking to them! :D
I'm not going to say your not, because that's how you'll feel...and what you'd argue up and down about. But I can tell you people make mistakes. And So do I. No ones perfect. And If anyone tells you other wise their wrong. You are unique. We all are humans. But you should love who you are. Sorry I cant do anything to help really. I wish you luck.<3
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