ah yes shadows??
02.02.2020 19:44
Linkme entirely ignoring seeing a shadow on my ceiling that appeared for no reason and Ive never seen anything like it.
it like, flew by about three or four times, no idea what it was but the more I focus on it and think about it the more paranoid I get
02.02.2020 19:46
Linkit never stayed, it went by twice or thrice on one side of my room and once on the other side I think. it couldnt have been from the window or the lamp cause it was on both sides and it was definitely the same shadow, same shape. dont like it sont know what it is I hope Im not hallucinating because that would be a concerning development
02.02.2020 19:49
Linkthen again if this isnt a hallucination Id be very scared if it was something real cause idk what it is. idk man Im just kinda freaked out