A post totally worth your time
21.06.2024 17:38
LinkMi whole phone is Mizuki themed, my name on every social media is Mizuki Akiyama, on Google maps I post reviews as her and started a whole trend. On WhatsApp mi name is Mizuki Akiyama, when I started school everyone was confused of who I was because of that
21.06.2024 17:40
LinkU have 1000+ images in my gallery and on Pinterest (most of them are different) and I talk about her 24/7
21.06.2024 17:41
LinkI have her live 2D model that moves and that I can interact with as my wallpaper
21.06.2024 17:42
LinkI have her rank 41 on both servers (Ik it's low but I started playing less than a year ago), all her 1/2/3★ cards are max lvl, have both side stories read and mastery+skill at max lvl
21.06.2024 17:46
LinkI have spent Crystals to watch her birthday live shows on both servers. I have currently 7 4★ cards of her, I spent 100+ pulls on two of her banners but didn't get her sadly
21.06.2024 17:46
LinkI have her nui plushie 50$ her mochi 20$ and her cosplay 30+$ (if you want you can add other 30+ for the ena cosplay that came instead of the Mizuki one and I did NOT get a refund)
21.06.2024 17:47
Linkand uhh, nothing I guess (I'm not mentally stable)