hello hooman
Character Creator ||Flipanim||
A bookworm watching a book
Angry Kurama
Out of the forth wall
Actual vent
04.04.2020 22:20
LinkSo like,I'm really sad,I haven't spoken or seen anyone in a while,I swear I can see shadows moving in my room,my parents yell at me,I'm starting to think my gender and sexuality is a joke.
And to top it all off I'm becoming increasingly self conscious and I feel like a need to lose weight and have straight teeth and have nice hair and oh god I'm a mess
04.04.2020 22:22
LinkNo one's going to read this,I know it,and I just needed to get my feelings out somehow and i know that this website is meant to be rainbows and smiles,but none of my proper friends are online anymore so I can't even talk to them
04.04.2020 22:22
LinkI'm done
I quit
I'm taking a break
04.04.2020 22:24
Linkhugs* I'm sorry dude thats hard ik from personal epxprice (spelled it wring I'm dumb)
and there is not much i can help you with all i can do is say I'm sorry and i really hope you get better soon i send all my love and support <3
04.04.2020 22:25
Linksorry it took me a while to type that i sow it when it just uploaded and if you what i underwent if you need a brake.. but i still send all my love and support <3
04.04.2020 22:27
LinkWho are you
Don't hug me
I don't deserve love
04.04.2020 22:28
Linkyes you do the worst you can do for yourself is say that I'm here saying this cuz i really think this and i care <3
04.04.2020 22:29
LinkWho are you
Why would you care about a stranger on the internet
04.04.2020 22:31
Linkbecause I was raised to not be an asshole and i care about people even if idk them ill always help people no matter what its just who I am
04.04.2020 23:27