AFK pfp Yamada
11.02.2020 14:25
LinkWhen im not on ill use this
11.02.2020 14:28
LinkAlso sorry this looks like absolute trash
11.02.2020 16:04
Linkno its good
11.02.2020 20:58
Linkit looks amazing the glasses look great! and at least the hair doesint look like mine GOD get a comb is ill say to me, but stop talking about your self you need to make your friend feel good cb, ill stop talking about my stuff and say wow the cloth i mean i can bearly draw a red sweater and your over here making cloth for gods! honestly i love your drawing! love coolboy-
11.02.2020 22:42
LinkThanks, coolboy you've always been very supportive to me and im sure you will get there someday I mean this isn't the best drawing of him X( I'm going to try to make a better picture. People probably tell you to improve by just practice more right? You probably get confused cos you don't know how to practice so im going to tell you to, Find an artist that inspires you and find something you like about how they draw like the heads or hands and try copying them and adding things from other artists into your style then your art style will come together and practice drawing your character EVERY day on paper or digitally - PMS 💕
11.02.2020 22:46
LinkJust a few months ago I could only draw sweaters to :D
11.02.2020 23:20
LinkThis is amazing
11.02.2020 23:22
12.02.2020 00:56
LinkI lob present mic as a kid he looks nice
12.02.2020 00:59
LinkYes he is a pretty boi