12.06.2018 15:38
LinkI have news for u ppl...
12.06.2018 15:51
LinkSo my dog, I had once drawn her so it’s in the attached anim, yesterday she had gotten rabies and was suffering a lot. She had to be put down. It was terrible for me because i got her on my bday a year ago. Her name was Cookie btw. She was very sweet and always loved our family. It has been a day and I still won’t get over it. I also may not upload much because I might be too depressed to animate or even draw anything. I may upload stuff somethimes. Thanks for taking your time to read this.
12.06.2018 16:37
Linkis ok ^w^ iv'e been there too even tho cookie may be gone she's still a part of your family, she's not really gone just,.. uh what do they call it? a life force of protection? idk but i hope you feel better, :c
12.06.2018 17:38
LinkThx. I also may be late replying to comments. I also have a puppy and a cat
Things might go well.
12.06.2018 18:19