my upside down world

waving mcfly

I bin done reanimated it


Chibi America- Hetalia

New profile (again)

Identities meme (ft. Dreamtale
NM:R update and plans!~


10.07.2022 00:12
LinkHere’s a sneak peek of one of the finished frames from the New Moon: Reborn episode!
So… I will admit… I’ve been procrastinating A LOT on the NM:R episode. I don’t really know what you guys expected, if anything at all, but I will say that I’m finally back to working on it!
I have officially gotten to 45 frames of sketches, with plenty of dialogue that might get into some lore we never got to see in the past!
With that, I now have a new plan and setting for the first chapter, which is very different from the older New Moon.
You guys may like this idea, or you’ll hate it– whatever the case, here’s my plan…!
I’m going to be focusing more on the PAST generations rather than the PRESENT one. THAT means… we’re gonna get some more backstory for Blueleaf and Rustypaw’s parents!
Literally nobody cares about these characters… and that’s the problem with them. Ivypaw, Redstripe, Broadwing… All of the main character’s parents are so… uninteresting! I want to change that now :)

10.07.2022 00:13
LinkSo, even though I know you guys are excited for the main character’s huge and exciting refresh, I think their parents deserve the attention this time around.
That’s my plan anyways! I’ll mostly be focusing on Redstripe and Ivypaw, since their relationship is really wonky, and I’ve really failed to explain WHY… I think those two and Teakfur are the most interesting background wolves in the pack. Teakfur and Ivypaw are supposed to be our FIRST VILLAINS! If I’m going to make them villains, I NEED a good backstory for them!
I want to get more into their story and really delve deep into WHY they’re the villains, instead of just brushing them off and killing them off in the second book (like I did in the past, sadly)
So yeah…! Hope you guys are excited for the new plan! Even if you don’t care about these characters, don’t worry… they’re still going to add to the current story and lead up to future events in a more natural, less confusing way.

10.07.2022 00:13
LinkThanks for being patient with me..! I know I’m not the best at keeping up with my stories, but I will continue to add to them as best I can! Now… I hope you guys enjoy this update post!