A painful LEGO land

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running like an idiot

yume nikki

*punches air*

maki kawaii
Everyone hates me :)


12.07.2021 08:47
LinkI have been tortured by a hacker now I don't trust anyone still I hat people I hate everyone

12.07.2021 09:00
LinkBombs fell loud sounds machine guns hungry for more bullets sounds of planes fighting the bomber plane crashed and nobody has been seen the rifle bullet flying past your head and everything shakes soldiers screaming in pain, the tanks started retreating but they were blown up by a mortar shell men started dying the poor soldiers charged into enemy gun fire and were shot dead by the heavy machine guns no one could fight anymore soldiers that were injured were captured by the enemy soldiers and sent to a POW camp or executed the flames from the flamethrowers and gas started rushing to them: then they choked on the deadly gas they try to gasp for air but they choked more and more painful they started coughing out blood and they died thier family cried when they heard that the brave dad died in battle soldiers try to fight of in the pacific but those Japanese soldiers were very good but the Americans nuked Hiroshima with a atomic bomb then Nagasaki too the little boy bomb and fat man bomb killed over 1 million

12.07.2021 09:09
LinkThe survivors were badly injured the evil Americans killed the innocent Japanese civilian, remember those brave soldiers who fought for freedom they fought for many lives the kamakaze pilots drove the plane into the boats and the divers with the bomb attached onto the sticks and destroying the bottom of the boats the French fought well saving thier country from Nazi soldiers taking over but when hitler planned to kill the Soviet Union but Stalin was very smart he had T-34's attacking Germany and Finland the Russians pushed the Nazi's out of the USSR but many Russian people starved and died of the cold weather and Russian soldiers had to fight off the Japanese from invading the brave Russian men and thier evil leader

12.07.2021 09:12
LinkWar broke out in Afghanistan the talabands tried taking over the country the U.S and the U.K and Australia including New Zealand fought in the war against the terrorists but lost they took over the talabands took over the last soldiers there were sen back to their homes many died many got injured

12.07.2021 09:15
LinkWhy am I always being a dumb idiotic person idk maybe i needed to kill myself sure I would prefer it than this pain in my life

12.07.2021 09:16
LinkI'm a loser I can't do anything

12.07.2021 09:17
LinkI can't believe that I was created, oh thanks a lot God NOT I am not great full for my existence

12.07.2021 09:18
LinkI pray to klu klux klan KKK is like everything to me I hate Valentine's Day it's a ᏚᎻᎥᎢᎢᎽ DAY