New OC, Ash


31.12.2018 16:49
Linkhi ash

31.12.2018 17:03
LinkAsh: *She licks the blood off of her knife* Hey~.

31.12.2018 17:03
Linknice 2 meet you

31.12.2018 17:05
LinkAsh: *She grins* Hmmm-

31.12.2018 17:06
Linkyou have beatifull eyes

31.12.2018 17:08
LinkAsh: *She blinks, a little surprised but then smirks again* Why, thank you~ I can't say that's the first time someone's said that to me~.

31.12.2018 17:14
Linkare you ok ash?

31.12.2018 17:16
LinkAsh: Well, of course I am! *She touches the edge of her knife* A better question is, will you be okay? *She puts the knife to your neck*

31.12.2018 17:19
Linki don't wanna do that it a life time in prison think on your familly

31.12.2018 17:28
LinkAsh: ? *She looks confused*

31.12.2018 17:31
Linkif you kill me right hete on the street you will get a life time in prison and what will your familly think

31.12.2018 17:44
LinkAsh: *She chuckles, and her chuckle turns into evil laughter* My family? I honestly don't care what they think of me! *She grins* They're dead anyway!
But the life time in prison.. you do have a fair point, huh?

31.12.2018 17:48
Linkso you hole familly are dead how did it happen

Name: Ash
Gender: Female
Age: 21
<3: Bisexual
Personality: Ominous, vicious, persuasive, and flirty.
Likes: Violence, arguments, gore
Dislikes: Cheer, holidays, and animals
Backround: Ever since Ash was a little girl, her father abused her physically, mentally, verbally, and sexually. He told her to shut up about it and not to tell anyone. Ash grew up with 3 older siblings, who picked on her. Her mother died when she was only 12, after that Ash became more violent and argumentative. When Ash became 16, she had a plan to kill her family with her (ex) boyfriend. She managed to do so without being caught. (she eventually killed her boyfriend too, so he wouldn't tell anyone about what had happened) Now she's on the run. (;-;)