lemme type


16.01.2021 21:44

16.01.2021 21:49
LinkSo- kinda going through hell and its making me even more depressed. A lot of stuff is going thru my mind and im not really sure what to do bc I live in a hella toxic place with hella toxic people. Mainly my crap ass family who dont give two shits about me. School is really stressing me out especially bc my mom is a goddamn piece of shit who treats me horribly. I want to be there for friends but I dont know what to do bc im hella selfish and im not to good at comforting besides saying that I would beat the shit out of anyone who hurts them so- yA. Anyway dont really know what to do- im probs not gonna be around much longer. Life is just kicking me all around and im tired. I dont sleep much bc of reasons. I dont have friends at school- my mom wants to move me across the damn country so any friends I have made through the years will just drift- ngl they kinda are already. It sucks. I want to move but at the same time I dont. Its complicated.

16.01.2021 21:55
LinkMy birthday is also coming up in a few months so if we move then im losing everything I have which isnt a lot but its better then nothing. For my birthday im probs gonna cut my hair like rlly short- abt chin length maybe shorter idk yet. But yeh mom wants to move us away from everything which sucks bc this has always been my home and my family lives here plus I have had the same friends thru the years and I would have to make new ones which is hard bc im hella antisocial. aNyWaY me and my single ass gonna go to a redneck place- and im not much redneck like imma tom gorl but iM nOt LiKe ThAt- and it wont help the fact my mum will think that I like any damn guy im friends with bc girls cant be les or bi- I mean damn. I dont even hardly like guys so no I dont like any of them. ;-; the other night a pack of wild boiz wondered into the rock climbing place I was at and I was hella tired cause I climbed 40 ft several times so ofc im tired- anyway they start lookin at me and so im over here hearing them talking under

16.01.2021 21:56
Linkme and like omg they literally scared the shit outta me- so I climbed down bc they were waiting and I was ready to go so I was like yo mom lets go she looked at me smiled and said oh I know why your ready to go then looked at those assholes. me over here like bro wtf- I dont like boys ;-;