- create flipbook animations online!
Umm Troll-reich-
12.03.2020 01:48
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Actually this is also for people that are interested in the Detective AU- Oh well, https://www.wattpad.com/843636211-detective-just-the-start This is the detective thingy I'm gonna do Tiny's pov next-
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12.03.2020 01:52
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12.03.2020 01:56
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I have the power of copy and paste tho- 5:00 am April 3rd, The day Maid finally moved out. "Thanks for helping me with the boxes." Maid said, slightly smiling. Tangle faked a smile. "No problem! Stay safe out there sohn! Don't make it the same as your college years!" Maid rolled his eyes. Ever since his father found out he did drugs in college, he's always paranoid he would do it again. Maid closed the trunk. "Bye." Maid said. Tangle pulled another fake smile. As soon as Maids car left the parking lot, Tangle ran to his apartment room and broke down crying. Ever since high school, Maid started growing away from Tangle. "Vati! I have cleanz ze floor!" Maid said in his broken English. Those were the golden days, when he actually felt like a dad. He curled up on the floor sobbing. Tangle heard the door knock.
12.03.2020 01:56
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"Um hello?" A voice said. It was Austria-Hungary. Tangle swung open the door and hugged him. (Well that went 0 to 100 real fast for A-H.-) A-H just stood there awkwardly, rubbing his back. "Shhh, its okay. Tell me whats on your mind." Tangle started babbling like a child. A-H sighed. "I thought you promised you would think before you said anything." A-H reminded him. "Maid. Leave. Miss sohn." Tangle said through his hiccups. "You miss him?" A-H asked. Tangle nodded. "I miss him, too. But, you have to let go of stuff, Tangle." A-H said. "B-but, in high school he started t-to ignore m-me!" Tangle said stuttering. A-H rubbed his back, but had to leave for work.
12.03.2020 01:56
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10:00pm April 3rd, Maid was almost settled into his home. 'Wait.' He thought. 'I left a box with my clothes in it at Tangle's house! I need to get it.' Maid picked up his jacket and waltzed right out the door. He got his car running and he drove to his vati's house. He opened the door to his apartment. He saw Tangle making dinner. "Hi." Tangle turned and faced Maid. He shot a fake smile. "Hey, sohn! Do you need anything?" Tangle asked. "Yeah, I left a box here." Maid said, shrugging. "Also could I stay over? Its pretty late and I'll probably fall asleep while I'm driving." Maid joked. Tangle looked shocked for a second. "I-I... Yes you may stay the night." Tangle said, looking back at the food he was making.
12.03.2020 01:57
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Maid got out a notebook and started writing. He wasn't good at making idea's and characters up, but he was good at gathering facts and leaving it all over the floor. Which made him a good writer. But all his 'books' are about earth worms and stuff. He needed something interesting. Yes, he did have fun writing them, but he didn't have a good time reading them. It made him feel like his hard work didn't pay off.
12.03.2020 01:57
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Tangle plopped the chicken into the oven. He sat down on the chair and looked at Maid awkwardly. "Hey, sohn?" "Yes?" Tangle hesitated. He didn't want to seem like a coward to his son. That would probably make him like him less. Tangle looked at his neatly folded hands on his lap and sighed. "never mind. I forgot what I was going to say." Tangle lied. He even added a small chuckle at the end so Maid wouldn't worry about him. It obviously worked because Maid shot him a weird look and looked back to his phone. He was probably talking to Japan Empire and Fascist Italy. His two best friends. JE worked at a cafe where she worked as a waiter. While FI worked at as a receptionist in a police building.
12.03.2020 01:57
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The door creaked open and Maid looked at the feminine figure in the doorway. It was A-H. A-H did have features of a female. Such as the hips, but other than that you can clearly tell he was a man. "Is Germany home yet? Oh, hi Maid!" A-H smiled sweetly at Maid. Maid smiled slightly but looked back at his phone after it vibrated. Maid furrowed his eyes. "Is something wrong?" A-H asked Maid. "Yeah, its just the game that I'm going against JE and FI. Its a puzzle game!" Maid said frustratedly. "Well don't get worked up, kiddo. Its just a game." A-H chuckled. "Yeah, you're right..." Maid said defeatedly. Tangle sent A-H a smirk. A-H smiled at him. "What's that goofy grin for?" He joked, nudging Tangle with his shoulder.
12.03.2020 01:58
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Germany opened the door. "Hey dads." He looked to see Third. "Uh, hey lil bro." Germany said. "Hey Germ." Maid said, shooting him with finger guns. "First, I HATE the nickname 'Germ'. I am not a virus or something to avoid! And second, put those away!" Germany said slamming Maids hands on the table. Maid yelped. A-H drop-kicked Germany. "HEY." A-H yelled. Everyone looked at him with fear. "Play nice!" A-H smiled sweetly while giggling to himself.
12.03.2020 01:58
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"What type of monster are you dating?" Germany asked. Maid giggled at his joke. Germany just smiled and playfully elbowed Maid. Tangle looked at the with confusion. First, they made a joke about his boyfriend, which is not okay in this house. And second, they were JUST fighting. What made such a difference in the 3 seconds between the fight and scary A-H? "Oh yeah, we were just playing around." Maid said. Germany grabbed his papers and walked upstairs. "Its nice you got to stay with us for on more day, but I have to work. I'll visit you on the weekends, Maid." Germany said before a loud slam could be heard.
12.03.2020 01:58
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"Wow, workaholic much?" Maid joked. "He got into his dream job. You know, studying unknown entities." Tangle said. Maid slammed his hands on the table. "WHAT?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" Maid asked. But the he winced because he shouldn't have slammed his fists so hard on the table. "Yes. So far his theories have been correct." Maid laughed. "Sounds like my bro. Anyway I'll go sleep on the couch. Goodnight to both of you. Also.." Maid stuck his head around the corner of the stairs. "GOODNIGHT YOU LITTLE-" A-H tackled Maid. "Play. Nice." He said, giving another death stare. Maid smiled nervously before he flopped on the couch and slept.
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12.03.2020 11:17
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Cuz Since Maid drifted away from his father he calls him anything but dad or vati Also im too lazy to think of a nickname for him-
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