06.04.2020 20:34
Linkbruh you alive? Waterlilyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
06.04.2020 20:38
LinkOh yeah sorry
06.04.2020 20:39
Linkits all good
06.04.2020 20:41
LinkLol okie
06.04.2020 20:42
Linkso wanna cont from where we left off?
06.04.2020 20:43
06.04.2020 20:45
LinkWait, who’s starting?
06.04.2020 20:46
LinkUh.. I can
06.04.2020 20:50
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Azriel rolled off of the blankets, catching himself from falling off of the end of the bed. “Yeah, I really need to get to sleep before you see a side me you will never want to see.” Azriel paused. “Also... I’m just warning you now... I uh- I have nightmares... So don’t be alarmed when you hear screaming coming from next to you. I’m most likely not being murdered...”
Azriel loved the beautiful city. The people were so alive, the stars and moon were lovely, and reminded him of the never ceasing life. He eventually decided to head inside, and opened the sliding glass door. Closing it behind himself, he walked back down the hall and to the room he and Ian were sharing.
Azriel held his breath, and let it out sharply. “Okay. I may have talked to Dom and- and offered him- I may have offered him someone else. I just don’t want to see you hurt, and-and the person who-if he picked them-won’t break... they’ll be fine...” there were a couple of tears in his eyes for some reason, but he quickly wiped them away with the back of his hand.
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outfit looks like this kinda: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2F698832067158997903%2F&psig=AOvVaw2KtCIFll6f1aPHAnJs4WFK&ust=1587071043632000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCNjR4siq6-gCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAR ))
Ian moved to grab a black thrasher T-shirt, slipping it on.
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Ian opened the door, walking out into the common area, which was filled with people. A table full of snacks and sodas, makeup and hair stations. All of their personal stylists were there. It was chaos. Their manager, Ophelia, was lounging in a chair, checking her clipboard. Aubrey was chatting with Ezra. Mateo was getting his hair done. Dominic and Koa were having their makeup done.
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