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daily problems with...
16.04.2020 13:38
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these are just a few of my problems, they just come to mind easier than the other ones.
16.04.2020 13:43
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*tries so say something but i dont like how that turned out so i dekete it and retype it, delete and rephrase, before finally commenting this which i also deleted and retyped a few times because i wasnt exactly sure if i was allowed to say yeah that happened to me to or whether that would be rude/taken the wrong way and i should stop rambling now*
16.04.2020 13:44
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no, i get you, i do that a lot.
16.04.2020 13:49
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so i was orignally gonna say same i hate when that happens to me but then i got distracted so i was on google doing god knows what i cant even remember at this point and this probably isn't of any interest of you but hey i ramble a lot so yeah and i tend to be very awkward and i dont even know where i was going with this which is a very fun combination of efd, adhd, ocd, and anxiety. what am i doing at this point no one even knows also i spelled delete up there wrong i spelled it 'dekete' because i am very bad at typing what even is this comment it's so random i'm sorry apologies for wasting your time my condolences
16.04.2020 13:53
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that is a very long comment please don't feel obligated to read it
16.04.2020 14:02
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Don't worry about your rambling, though even while reading this i put my toys back up that i knocked over and closed the door that my parents didn't bother closing, I can read an entire message if it even slightly relates to my position. I understand what you were doing, mostly because I tend to do that a lot, I go on to google looking for the definition to something and end up looking at subnautica videos. I get sidetracked constantly and I end up not knowing what to do when my schoolwork ends up being due in 35 minutes. I wander in my thoughts and with my body, and what you've done is no different, I'm just glad that there is someone out there, not too far away, that feels the same as I do and goes through what I do. No one likes to suffer, but it's not as bad when you're not alone.
16.04.2020 14:10
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Yeah, definitely feel the same. My problem is just how quickly I lose track of what thinking. Even now, while I am typing this I have to keep repeating to myself what I wanted to say. Also, the not closing the door part I really hate it when my parents don't close my door or when they don't knock and just bust in my room like excuse me? Privacy? And I have no idea what else I wanted to say originally but hey, here I am, and I also agree with your point about the constantly getting sidetracked. Also, do you ever find yourself like telling someone else not to do something but that's exactly what you're doing? Because I do that a lot?? Like, I'll tell them to sleep, not to overwork themselves, to eat, etc., etc., when I myself am doing those very same things I advise against?? That's off-topic, what was I saying? But also I just suddenyl have random surges of energy and I'll feel like I'm crawling out of my skin or I'll just suddenly be unable to cope with anything and I'll burst out screaming or sobbing??? Also
16.04.2020 14:12
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- off-topic, but hey, I rambled long enough to run out of space. Also, I've noticed that I say 'also' constantly and that very much bothers me but hey, whatever, what am I going to do about it.
16.04.2020 14:13
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But the emotional stuff is apparently because of my ADHD and anxiety??? Also, sorry for making you read all that, you really don't have to, I'm not saying anything of importance there, please don't waste your time with me I know I'm probably just being annoying and even though I know that I just keep talking???
16.04.2020 14:15
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In my second comment I spelled originally wrong I'm sorry that was stupid of me okay bye I should stop typing run-on sentences and over-analyzing everything
16.04.2020 14:22
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Though I tend not to ramble in my online messages (again, i overthink things until i can make a long paragraph so concise that it can basically become a singular word) I do ramble. I ramble quite a lot in reality, you're completely fine, i actually feel better talking to you than anyone else because it's like talking to another version of myself. When I write things I also think of the sentences several times over before i even type it, not because I'm thinking of the emotional impact (I'm working on it) it's because I'm thinking of what to say and what actually makes sense in a sentence. Technically what you're doing is not rambling to me, because I can tell that in every word you've typed, you've spent a little bit of time to unravel your soul and vulnerably serve it on a silver platter for me to dissect and consume. I'm glad that you took some time out of your day to respond to my little post and strike up a little conversation.
16.04.2020 14:23
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:) (gonna type a lot under this bc... yeah)
16.04.2020 14:30
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I understand where you're coming from as well with the whole not rambling in online messages thing, I typically don't ramble as much as I am here. It's just that you remind me of me (but way more articulated and put-together) so I got a bit overexcited-- I tend to do that. Also (ew that word again I hate it I want to murder also) (<-- don't mind me just being a bit homicidal please ignore), I.... can't even remember what I want to say, no wait I can now. Fair warning, small PSA, you've been nice to me (scratch that, you replied, that's all it takes lmao im such a loser) and so I am now going to be emotionally attached to you! Sorry about that, it's kind of impulsive and involuntary, happens a lot. Jesus, I'm so starved for attention that- nevermind. Anywho, (<-- not exactly a fan of that word either) as a compulsive, distracted... person, I have no idea what I was going to say here. Still don't. Well then... um... Like, I want to keep talking but I've sort of reached a dead end?? I9 had I brain fart, if you-
16.04.2020 14:36
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-will. (Also, *I) (Ew, also) (Double ew, I said it again) Also, don't worry about my putting-myself-down, that just means I'm comfortable enough around you as friend, it's just a thing I do, it has nothing to do with you! I admit that... I have no idea what I was going to say, I lost track again, sorry! OH YEAH I MIGHT MAYBE POSSIBLY HAVE IT AGAIN! Alright, so I think I was maybe probably possibly going to say something about... okay, gone again. Let's see. Yeah, I tend to get way too emotionally vulnerable with people I've literally just meant, against my better judgement, but hey, whatever, hay is for horses and all that. OH YEAH I admit that after typing thios I'm probably going to keep checking back to see whether or not you've replied but that is just me being me and, well, I want to talk and therefore I want to see if you've replied. But please, take your time to get out whatever you feel you want to tell me!
16.04.2020 14:36
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why do i type so much jesus kill me what the hell that's a lot
16.04.2020 15:10
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nah, it's alright, i had to do some quick schoolwork, im almost done, i get kinda sidetracked when i know im supposed to be doing something important, that's just something i do. i dont know why i do it, i just do, also, are you an extrovert? You type with such vigor that i feel that you're a bold person who isn't afraid to meet new people or talk about their feelings. The reason why I ask is because I am an introvert, I bet you know what that means, and a quality that almost all introverts has is that they have more extrovert friends than anything else because they break their little barrier and go for the gold. Just the way you talk makes me feel like that, and im sorry if I made a false assumption or something, I just feel that you're more outgoing than some of my other friends. I'm really glad that you consider me as your friend, despite us meeting literally an hour ago, I thank you for your high standings of me as a person!
16.04.2020 15:18
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um, yeah, i guess i'm an extrovert? lmao irl i am the shyest little shit you'll see unless i'm with my friends or other people i trust?? idk it's complicated, i just get excited ig
16.04.2020 15:00
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2 and 3 are a big one for me
16.04.2020 15:00
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haha rhymes
16.04.2020 15:12
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doodle did wanna play a video game? (later because im doing schoolwork rn)
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