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*Makes opinions*
14.11.2021 20:24
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Hello, welcome to my excuse to semi gush over the WOF books and rank all the ones I’ve read. Some of the dislikes are very minor and dumb some are very much reasons I don’t like the books *looks over at leaf* But rest assured I only knew for sure about the top 4 (kinda) and my least 2 favorites. You can tell me how wrong I am later or whatever. I’m gonna judge books now. !!Also MAJOR SPOILERS FOR ALL ARCHS GUYS!!
14.11.2021 20:27
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1- Dragon slayer Like- Guys Wren and Sky do I need to say more? Ivy is also good :D and the Side characters in Leaf’s pov are pretty good Dislike- Leaf. That’s all there is 2- Darkstalker Like- Everything man. Like Darkstalker, good. Fathom, good. Clearsight, good. Arctic, good. Whiteout, good. Queen Diamond, good. Foeslayer, ehhhhhhhhhhhhh.... Dislike- I liked Foeslayer better in the 2nd arch and prologue of this book. Overall though in the book I just didn’t like her, found her very unlikable I can’t place why but I did. 3- The Lost Continent Like- BLUE GUYS HE’S JUST SUCH A BEAN JUST UGHHHHH Dislike- Didn’t like Blue’s dad. That’s it really. Oh and all the flamesilks sorta all hate each other. 4- The Dangerous Gift Like- All the POVs. Snowfall. The last vision Snowfall has… the feels man. Also also Skywing bean. You know who I’m talking about.
14.11.2021 20:28
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Dislike- I disliked how the prologue was kinda rendered useless, and how ANNOYING Snowfall is in part one and some of part two. But like that’s just me tho I found her annoying :p 5- Moon Rising Like- OML I STILL LOVE READING ABOUT MOON SEEING ALL THE STUFF IN OTHER’S BRAINS!!! Not to mention Darkstalker talking to her and helping her with calming her down and such. Dislike- Seeing even more jerk Nightwings, because we could have enough of them in book 4. 6- Escaping Peril Like- I love seeing just how… emotionally hurt Peril is. Seeing just how many scars she has on the inside. And lets not forget her rejecting Scarlet and her dad like Peril is the best man. (other than Sky, but they’re siblings so like yes) Dislike- I’ve honestly forgotten a lot of this book, idk WHY but I did. And that tells me some parts were more… skipible than the rest. (But is has been a few years since I read it so yea :p) 7- The Poison Jungle
14.11.2021 20:29
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I shall proceed to INTERRUPT and say that Darkstalker was a really good villain and he had a lot of character development :D
14.11.2021 20:31
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Like- OH MY GOSH. LESBIAN DRAGON SHIP SO CUTE SUNDUE AND WILLOW ARE JUST I CANT I AHHHHHH. Also just how CHILL mandrake is. Dislike- Blue my baby. The most relatable character (for me) ever. What happens to him I just I *Cry* 8- The Lost Heir Like- Protect the E G G Dislike- WHY CAN’T CORAL SEE HOW BAD BLISTER IS??? OPEN YOUR EYES DANG IT! 9- Winter Turning Like- Winter is just I just. Best Icewing boi. Dislike- *Inhale* LOVE TRIANGLE it's just so poorly done and I hate it and UGHHH 10- The Brightest Night Like- Sunny meeting Thorn is just so…. *Sobs in corner* ALSO snek. Dislike- *Angry mumbling about Sunny should be Queen not that Thorn’s bad, just S U N N Y* 11- The Hive Queen Like- I really just like Cricket over all guys. Not to mention, BUMBLEBEEEE Dislike- Why is her sister/mom so feaking dumb no don’t I just ACK 12- The Hidden Kingdom
14.11.2021 20:31
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@HttydLover Yes Darkstalker is Yes
14.11.2021 20:33
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Like- Gonna be honest here really do love Glory man. And all the rainwings she befriends (Like 3-4? Doesn’t matter). Dislike- The rainwings over all. Main thing I remember from this book (other than Glory and her being coming queen and all) is that most rainwings, are lazy a**holes. One of my favorite tribes but like DAMN THEY DO BE JERKS. 13- Darkness of Dragons Like- Qibli is another REALLY interesting character to read about. I like reading about how his brain works and how he sees things. Dislike- ARE YOU DRAGONS TRULY ANY BETTER THAN DARKSTALKER AFTER WHAT YOU DID TO HIM *cry* 14- The Dragonet Prophecy Like- Clay. Just overall Clay is really charming, and caring. He’s like a big hug-able bean. Also Peril and Kestrels interaction. Dislike- Part 1 I remember so little about this book, but I do remember part 1 when I first read it I found it so dull. 15- The Dark Secret
14.11.2021 20:34
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Like- Queen Battlewinner. She is just so feaking cool ok? Also Learning about the spoop tribe. Dislike- OK I got a LOT I’m not a fan of but I’ll make it quick. Don’t like Starflight. His perspective was just really dull overall in my opinion. AND HE IS THE BOOK WORM SO ONE WOULD THINK HE WOULDN’T WATCH AN ERUPTING VOLCANO! 16- Talons of Power Like- His interactions with Peril and watching Darkstalker. (When he knocks something over and Darkstalker is like “Clearsight?” my heart broke) Dislike- EVERYTHING ELSE. Turtle is like a slightly more unlikable Blue (not really but I don’t care I just really don’t like Turtle’s book). Also like Anemone is just such a snob in his book, I really hate it. (Also just over all in arch 2 but we see more of her in this book) Honestly tie for most disliked books are Talons of Power and The Dark Secret. I’d need to reread them both to figure out which one I dislike more. Also just need to reread arcs 1 and 2 over all but ehhhhhhh L A Z Y
14.11.2021 20:37
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Ok all of you WoF fans now have permission to tell me how my order is wrong and WHY it's wrong. I do mean it though, if you have another opinion or dislike where I put a book tell me why you would put a book higher or lower. I demand your opinions.
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