*watching anime*
08.06.2021 17:46
Linkhow to watch anime on a school device! unblocked UwU
step one: have google
step two: look up VRV
step three: make an account on VRV.com and watch anime to your hearts desire during school or after school
(yaayyy *weeb noises intesifies*
08.06.2021 17:47
Linklimk: https://vrv.co/crunchyroll
08.06.2021 17:48
Linklet meh know if it worked for ya ;3
08.06.2021 17:58
Linkit does
08.06.2021 17:58
Linkwhitch anime do u watch?
08.06.2021 19:06
Linki watch a lot- *cries in too big on a watch list*