

06.07.2020 03:51
Linki dont like thinking how this website, literally gave me some of best relationships i’ve ever had (just in general, not dating or anything) but it’s just in the back of my mind now? i don’t even talk to anyone from here anymore
my first account here, the anims i made, my first friends here, it all seems so distant? even though it was literally 3-4 years ago
nostalgia really does only come in rose-tinted glasses huh
i wish i hadn’t taken so many people for granted
it’ll always be something that shaped me who i am, even though it sounds heavily cliche and sort of edgy

06.07.2020 03:56
Linkit’s ****ing weird to come to terms that since a lot of my followers are dead, no one will see this for like,, a long time
like a time capsule, makes me wna cry but also makes me smile
hey, you, fa user from the future, cherish your relationships

06.07.2020 04:02
Linki think it’s time to move past this phase
as much as it (genuinely) pains me to say this, i think ill be leaving permanently
ill miss you guys :(

06.07.2020 04:05
Linkadd me on disc i guess lmao: T❦rtilla#2020

12.12.2020 23:18
Linkyea i lied im bored so hi