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the quiet dead episode 3
19.09.2020 16:06
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outside on the street while the 6 soldiers was crossing through the road. ralph-come on guys,we need to somehow get to somewhere safe. as they cross while there were a few zombies surround them while ralph,tom and lionel shoot foward while connor,john and marty shoots backward killing the few zombie but they created horde causing the 6 soldiers to head to the alleyway while they climb up a wall blocking the other side of the alley way while connor cuts the barbwire so they can get to the other side then ralph sees 5 military chopper firing their gatling guns into the horde of zombies killing them all. ralph-well that was close now we must go! then back at the building where phil and the headless zombie with a mutant arm fighting while phil was able to make the headless zombie with a mutant arm weak. phil-wow you are so good at fighing. then phil grabs the headless zombie neck and strangles it. phil-well time for a fatality! then phil pulls out his m9 pistol while now the headless zombie became strong
19.09.2020 16:14
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again and grabs phil and run to the wall hurting phil then toss phil into the floor as phil head starts bleeding while phil coughed out blood. then the zombie grabbed phil and threw him into a wall almost breaking out while phil goes unconscious and got a concussion then right before the zombie kills phil,a flashbang + smoke grenade been tossed and blinded the headless zombie and stunned it while anthony came in and pushed that headless zombie with the mutant arm in the ground while anthony keep shooting the headless zombie with his mp5 and the zombie dies when anthony needs to reload,then as the smoke clears out while he looked at phil. anthony-PHIL?! PHIL!? but phil didn't answer since he fainted and got unconscious and got a concussion. then after 1 hour and 15 minutes,phil woke up in a school chair. anthony-phil your finally awake! phil-what on earth happened? anthony-well that zombie which is headless and has mutant arm made you unconscious but at least we finally found you. phil-wow thank you!
19.09.2020 17:10
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anthony-yeah and i told you already i will never ever leave you with these nasty infected and now let's kill all these infected! phil-anyways where are we? anthony-were in a elementary school,is the shelter we can find,we didn't checked the whole school but we moved you to the top floor/3rd floor in a history classroom,we were waiting for you to get up. phil-thanks for letting me know and let's go check! then phil grabs his m9 pistol and his m249 on the teacher desk as they exit out the history classroom then phil sees a dead zombie as he examined the dead body. anthony-phil that is just a dead zombie. phil-um no anthony we are not alone in this school. anthony-wait what?! phil-this blood is fresh meaning it has been killed 30 seconds ago and i found this. then phil picks up a cigarette. phil-this is a polish cigarette and i only know 1 person who smoke polish cigarette. anthony-it's matthew,he is the only member who smoke polish cigarette!
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19.09.2020 17:37
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then somebody approached to phil,anthony and fritz as that person is armed with a pump action shotgun and smoking a polish cigarette and is a fbi member,it was matthew. matthew-well if it isn't commander phil. phil-glad you came matthew,you are 1 of the medics so is nothing special. matthew-i know being a medic is nothing special but at least i still help you fix your injuries and you have a survivor,what is your name. fritz-i am fritz J schmidt. but there heard a helicopter. matthew-is that a helicopter,let's head to the 2nd floor to check! then at the helicopter it was a canadian news helicopter. anthony-WHY ON EARTH IS THE CANADIAN NEWS HERE! matthew-I HAD A BAD FEELING ABOUT THIS! then at the helicopter something exploded at the back of the helicopter causing the helicopter to crash next to the elementary school. phil-QUICK,THERE CAN BE SURVIVORS WE CAN BRING ALONG WITH US! then at the helicopter while a pilot with a pistol which picked up from a dead police from the crash
19.09.2020 17:49
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while the co-pilot and the camera man is alive. but then as the pilot keeps shooting the zombie a zombie behind the pilot bit him,then matthew drop the polish cigarette and load up his pump action shotgun and fired killing both the zombie and the pilot which is about to become a zombie. after the killing the zombie,fritz,phil,anthony and matthew approach to the helicopter. matthew-are you alright you two? co-pilot-i'm fine but my camera man/co worker got bitten. matthew-sorry sir but i had to do this. then matthew pulls out his hk p30 and points it in the camera man head. matthew-please step back,close your eyes and cover your ears sir! co pilot-WAIT WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? then matthew shot the camera man as blood splatter over the co pilot face. then the gun shot attracted a lot of zombies as anthony,phil and fritz starts shooting at the zombies. anthony-matthew there are more zombies coming,we need to escape! fritz-um anthony there creating a huge horde and they are all runner zombies.
19.09.2020 18:01
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phil-s i'm not gonna swear so that's why i said s but i there here else well. then the huge horde of runner zombie are rushing toward them also about surround them. matthew-i think there are 10 military choppers coming and there are armed with gatling guns and pointing at the zombies and we might get gunned down as well,there's no where to escape anthony,we could hide but i do not know where! then a door from a coffee shop opened as a dead zombie fell down and the brain has been bashed as a survivor came out. survivor-IF YOU GUYS NEED TO HIDE WE NEED TO GET IN THIS COFFEE SHOP! matthew-alright let's move! then they enter in the coffee shop as fritz,matthew,phil,anthony and the co pilot hid behing the cashier counter as the survivor close and locked the door and barricaded with the coffee shop tables and chairs then the survivor hid behind the cashier counter. anthony-i hate hiding from hordes,it makes me worried! phil-poor kevin and max!
19.09.2020 18:12
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then the 10 military choppers starts firing killing all the runner zombie and now fritz,phil,anthony,matthew,the co pilot and the survivor got out from hiding and come inside to the employees only area. fritz-i guess is time to introduce ourselves,i am fritz j schmidt,this is commander phil,this is lieutenant anthony and medical matthew. co-pilot-and i am harold a canadian journalist/co pilot on a canadian news helicopter. survivor-well my name is ryan while my real name is actually Jokūbas while ryan is my english name but if you translate Jokūbas is not ryan well i was born in lithuanian and i actually moved here yesterday at night. anthony-wow ryan you speak english well. ryan-yes well i only speak british english not american english! anthony-oh well go on! ryan-well i don't have anything to say but harold i got a few questions for you first why you flew here with a helicopter with your co worker!
19.09.2020 18:20
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harold-well technically i am a co pilot not a pilot but i wanted a scene to the news i know is risky but i wanted to get some footage but i did not expect the back of the helicopter exploded causing the helicopter to crash! ryan-ok next how did the virus expanded! harold-the virus is spreading severely that it is about to cover north america and about to head to south america and half of north pole! ryan-and last one what is the president doing! harold-the president was no help,he basically flee to another state while everybody is getting infected also abandoning the mayor and the government! matthew-ok i guess that is it,the president was not helpful and ryan,thank you for saving us or we will be a goner!
19.09.2020 18:22
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ryan-your welcome all of you,well it seems like the sun is setting,is going to be dangerous to head out and there is no power since the power has been destroyed so not anything which involves like charging phone for example will not work so let's stay here for the night and i think this place got a light source for us to see! phil-perfect idea,let's go to 1 of the employees only room it should be safe since the door is locked and barricaded and the windows was boarded as well so we should be safe! TO BE CONTINUED
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