-~+{ Color }+~-

"Do you need healing?"

That's a Spicy Meatball!

help someone


-Light the fire! Map part 6!-

vlad in my new version
What is Ava?


28.12.2020 05:54
LinkFor those of my non-active followers, I will tell you what Ava is.

28.12.2020 06:04
LinkMost of you don't know this, but I love to make new, interesting, and strange things or animals.
Ava is what I call a Xatra. (Z[ahh]-truh) These being often have a base tone and another color to complement it. However, the colors are never near one another.
Black and white, or color and color will not occur on any of the speices.
Ava is a Black and Yellow Xetra, which means she specializes in what I call "Mental Magic" (Whole other concept) which allows her to see people's thoughts when used at a basic level.
Most of the Xetras will have some form of paw from an animal, on the palm of their hand. They will often have a mark to resemble the magic the posses, if unable to tell by color. (Double cross- Mental/ Half heart- Soul/ Claw marks- Nature/ Nothing- Normal)
Any questions may be brought up in a separate thread of comments.