keep diging
26.10.2020 21:33
Linkalongcameeric-alright let's go.
then alongcameeric took out a prison shiv from his pocket and start digging.
alongcameeric-ok this maybe long so hang in their.
so you turned around and turned back and saw alongcameeric already finished.
alongcameeric-that was really short well this leads to the warden office so let's go.
you and alongcameeric jumped down to the hole and got to the warden office seeing the warden assistant is not here while the warden was asleep holding the artifact,you were about to pick it up but almost awake the warden.
alongcameeric(whisper)-we need to do this a bit more quieter.
so you carefully pick up the artifact and replace it with a frosted chocolate chip chocolate donut and suddenly the warden get's angry and rips off the donut while sleeping then stop being angry.
alongcameeric(whisper)-ok let's get back.
then you and alongcameeric jump back to the hole and got back.
alongcameeric-well that was a close one now should we open this or no?