12.03.2020 18:49
Coco- *hugs* (Can't look away can't help but blush where did i get this over whelming crush is sharp as a knife and twice the rush , SaNe AnD ChIlL and still kinda sweaty so I dont mind cutting to the chase im in love with you and your gorgeos face, thats a sentiment i can't allow so my dear friend Yuri is getting the point no you know the point of a knife :<)
Coco- -crying more :<-
(I walk to school with my best friend
Surprise, surprise, she's late again
She's got a club she wants me in
Don't think I've ever raised a pen
I'll consider it, sure
No fan of literature
Books with less pictures than words
Leave me a little bit bored
But hey, they promised cupcakes
So it's a chance that I'll take
Four gorgeous girls await me
Okay, I think that I'll stay)