WIP This has taken me 2 days*
10.09.2023 21:23
10.09.2023 21:24
LinkBackground and sketches
I had to watch a lot of Metalocalypse on Adult Swims website cause I couldn’t find a clear ref for the background lol
Crazy how one individual can make me not wanna pick this up again. I deleted their comment so that I wasn’t reminded of their negativity but every time I look at this WIP, I am reminded nonetheless, and that was in October. They said this WIP was not worth all the effort I put in it. That it looks bad.
I didn’t believe them of course, but they still managed to get under my skin.
I was really proud of this, but that one negative comment made me completely uninterested in finishing this.
Hope at some point soon, I’ll be willing to work on this again.