hii info abt me in commentz
25.01.2021 18:39
Linkhii so um! my name iz imp. i go by it/xe but most of the time i go by no pronounz so u go "imp iz a silly litle scenefur i think impz art hurtz ma eyez >_>" or watevr LOL! if we're mutualz u can call me fan bur if we're not DONT CALL ME DAT and plz dont call me sketch even tho datz my uzername ^_^" iii mm 14 yearz old and im a scene kid irl i have KEWL FASHIONNNN lolz i listen 2 a lot of different music like..... lemon demon, oingo boingo, will wood but also 100 gecz, mailpup, msi, and a lot of other thingz >_> i have uuuh. lotz o trauma. psychosis. adhd n autizm. so uuh sry if im a bit wacky my brain iz weird