24.03.2021 14:32
LinkIf your single this is why based on you're zodiac sign.
24.03.2021 14:32
LinkARIES (March 21 - April 19)
You haven’t made time in your schedule for dating. If you meet someone who seems promising you aren’t afraid to make the first move, but you can never seem to find a time to get together that’s good for both of you. Sometimes you need to be able to make a compromise, and if it’s not worth it to you to reschedule one workout to meet someone, you’re not only not physically available, you’re emotionally unavailable as well.
24.03.2021 14:33
LinkTAURUS (April 20 - May 20)
You’ve decided somewhere along the line that you have a type and you rigidly stick to it. You could meet someone who checks off all the boxes on the compatibility test, but if they’re not your type, you refuse to consider them as anything more than a friend. Try to loosen up your strict guidelines on what you must have in a partner and open yourself up to more possibilities.
24.03.2021 14:33
LinkGEMINI (May 21 - June 20)
It doesn’t matter how young or old you are, you think you’re not at the right age for love. If you’re young, you want to have fun and don’t think you’re ready for anything serious. If you’re more mature, you’ve convinced yourself that your ship has sailed and you’re too old for love. Hey, stop putting an age limit on love and you might be surprised at what you find.
24.03.2021 14:33
LinkCANCER (June 21 - July 22)
You have a difficult time letting go of your past relationships. It’s funny how much better they seem now that they’re long over. The problem is that when you’re obsessing over an ex, you close yourself off to experiencing love in the present. There was a reason that relationship is in the past.
24.03.2021 14:34
LinkLEO (July 23 - August 22)
It’s funny how you’re somebody who has no trouble meeting people and completely charming them, and yet you depend on online dating to meet someone. You’re actually somebody who is much more appealing in real time and it’s not good to hide behind the safety of the screen. You’ll do better with being in the same room with someone and showing them your true amazing personality, not the one you fictionalized for the internet.
24.03.2021 14:34
LinkVIRGO (August 23 - September 22)
It’s been said before but you’re just picky. You like to believe that you just have high standards, but what good are they when no one, not even yourself, can meet them? This doesn’t mean you have to settle for the first person who comes through the door, just relax those high standards a bit. They don’t have to be a supermodel/brilliant scientist/gifted artist. Regular people are good, too.
24.03.2021 14:35
LinkLIBRA (September 23 - October 22)
Somewhere deep down, you just don’t believe you deserve big love. Maybe you were a jerk to someone who you dated a while ago or maybe you’re afraid you just don’t know how to be in a healthy relationship. You’ve grown up and no matter how much of an asshat you were, you deserve a second (or third) chance to find someone who adores you.
24.03.2021 14:35
LinkSCORPIO (October 23 - November 21)
You like to spend time alone, but sometimes when you’re alone you can get extremely pessimistic. You start thinking of all the relationships that everyone thought were so perfect, and how they imploded. You might meet someone and your imagination will immediately start creating scenarios where everything goes terribly wrong in the imaginary relationship. Hold on, Sparky, you’re getting way ahead of yourself. Why not pull back on the negativity and try to see where things can go instead of planning for disaster?
24.03.2021 14:35
LinkSAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 21)
You’re afraid that once you start to really know someone that they’ll stop surprising you and will become boring. In fact, the opposite may be true; there are people that we can know for a lifetime who continue to surprise and fascinate us. When a relationship deepens, it becomes infinitely compelling.
24.03.2021 14:36
LinkCAPRICORN (December 22 - January 19)
We get it: you’re focused on your career right now. The thing is you’re always focused on your career and your future and this is just a big excuse to avoid putting yourself out there. Extremely successful people seem to be able to fit in love and relationships, so you can as well.
24.03.2021 14:36
LinkAQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18)
You enjoy people but you also enjoy spending time alone... maybe too much. You think that love is going to be a non-stop emotion-fest and you’re not comfortable with that. Every relationship is different and while it does take some give and take, you have the power to create the type of relationship you need.
24.03.2021 14:36
LinkPISCES (February 19 - March 20)
You’d prefer that your friends and family found love than you find it. You’re overly concerned about the happiness of others that you ignore your own happiness. It’s OK to pursue a romantic partnership and it’s also alright to put yourself first. You’re the most unselfish person in the world, so being a little self-centered when it comes to love is a good thing.