i was quarantined for a month-
23.10.2021 11:53
Linkwhat terrible shading!
anyway, you may already know me making a trend of accounts. but seriously, i have written my name and password down so if microsoft edge/chrome deletes it after my computer updates i know how to log back in and not be braindead straight after
more info on me:
though ive made around 3 or 4 alt accounts,
my main was pickupcup. ive said this on all of those, but everytime
i say it, a few days later my account pass is gone, and my account
is isolated. pickupcup3 got far, and i actually cried when i lost it because
i store most of my hard worked art there. i was 9 when i started flipanim, i
improved gradually over time and now im to this point where instead of being a toxic idiot, i think im a better person than i used to be. still, i lost everything on both of my accounts, and its just so annoying