Question for commission ppl:


04.04.2024 19:30
LinkAnd any others tips about commissions would be great too.

Hi. okay so
I use clipstudio paint but that's because I used to have money, if you don't have money you can use any art program to make your sheet. Ibis,procreate,medibang,Krita, ect
when first starting out with commission try and set your prices a little low, not so low it isn't worth it, but i'd say anything around 10-20$USD for a headshot is a good start.
Dont do the "complexitity add +5$USD" this will scare off people who think their design is complex even if its not, which reduces your audience.
If a design IS to complex, politely decline the commission or tell them then that the price may be higher.
Start with one thing. and be good at that thing. don't do full paintings, and animation, and clay figures all at once in the beginning, set a target group, for example, colored character drawings.
when your beginning, don't offer sketch prices. not many people will want a sketch from an artist they don't know.
Show a wide variety of examples. show that you can draw many characters and styles

Procreate is more efficient for me personally.
I have the writing. The page alignment etc however i want it
But that does mean extra work
Or you can just import a template of some sort and go from there.

simply expand on that.
With giving tips its very hard to say--
personally my commissions have always involved me repeatedly speaking to the person about what they want
Get basic details. Clear things out about what you are unsure so you dont mess up andddd show progress at least half way through with a watermark just in case