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Kaden (Fire Emblem Fates)
i need help with art
31.05.2023 00:12
Linkwhat direction my art should take
31.05.2023 00:19
Linkhow should i approach art? for example some people see it as a job or hobby how they feel about art
31.05.2023 00:22
Linki just want to draw what i have in my mind something impactful something that makes you feel fear, joy, sadness, anger, guilt in a single page
31.05.2023 00:27
Linki want to draw my own view of beauty no matter how morbid or disturbing it is to other humans, to draw my own visual representation of my stitched up and incomplete morals
im sure some people will agree with my view of beauty if only they could see it
31.05.2023 00:29
Linki think that the my comment above was a bit out of line
31.05.2023 00:31
Linkeither way this is going to take years or maybe a decade or two to get to the point i want to be, so i think i have time
You could approach art as a career, it shouldn't just be your talent or skill that shows up once in a while, try to make something out of it. Maybe videos or photos to share with people or careers that will interest others, the vibes that you want your art to have can do all of that if you know what makes people upset, scared, or happy.