- create flipbook animations online!
For a contest-lmt.
20.12.2020 14:50
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Backstory: This OCs name is Apollo. He is one of the seven deadly sins,envy. When he was a kid,he had a friend named Alex. Alex had a lot. He had a huge house,lots of money,lived with both his parents,and was very strong. Though they were friends,Apollo was the opposite. He had little to no money,lived in a tent,and only had his father as his mother abandoned them when he was 5 due to how bad the circumstances were. so,Apollo started to get really Jealous of Alex. On Apollo's 13th birthday,he asked Alex if he could invite a few of his other friends to his house. But Alex finally said he would never let a peasant in his house nor any of his fellow peasants. In that moment,sitting on a bench with hyacinths flowers all around,Apollo and Alex disappeared. Well,more like went to a completely new place. Where you ask? They went to hell. Apollo suddenly had all different clothes on. They weren't exactly fancy,but he saw them as the perfect outfit. (when he thought back,he remembered drawing something similar when
20.12.2020 14:51
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he was 11 or 12). He was now wearing a sweater with 2 serpents and the word Bark on one of the sleeves,green pants,and holding a staff made of hyacinths. His hair had even turned gray and yellow. In that moment,he put it all together. Hell,hyacinths,serpents,all the green and yellow,and dogs. He himself was the sin Envy. Once he noticed a freezing pool of water,and Alex hanging over it. He somehow knew exactly what to do. He walked over,and put him in it until ( in a kid friendly way) his ‘bits snapped off’. Ever since then, Apollo went in between hell and the human world,choosing the privagelled who try to use him. While in human form,he still lives the same way he did when he was with his dad. He was poor in the human world,and had all too much power in hell. Though he lives the same way he did,it's not to bring nor take away attention. He was simply used to that so if it brings attention then he won't complain but he only wants those who will fall for his tricks. His human family still looks for him and A
20.12.2020 14:51
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lex,but no luck(of course). He eventually found his mom,and his type of...warm greeting was a bit more cold then expected(in other words her ‘bits were frozen off’) because she envied Apollo looking a lot like her son(who she had no idea Apollo was) and was the same age. So,that's how Apollo became Envy itself. Eren: ok i know it's horrible, i like writing but this was hard-anyway,like it says this is for a seven deadly sins contest so yeah-
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