check out please


21.10.2021 20:57
Linktake that back !! ! ! ! !
@b7ffy for tiktok if russian

05.05.2022 19:23
LinkIs this account still open for anyone to use? I wanna ask before I jump on

06.05.2022 22:19
Linkwait what? i’m sorry, did my password get leaked? i don’t t use this account so if you want my password i will give if to you, but please explain where this comment came from? (this is my first account)

08.05.2022 23:35
LinkAlright, there's a couple layers to this response, so bare with me
First, this could have been a mistake.
I've been joining a bunch of open accounts and I accidentally commented on the wrong account. If that's the case, that's my fault and I apologize for the mix-up.
Second, maybe your password was leaked. As previously stated, I've been joining a lot of open/collaboration accounts, so I've been looking around. There's a possibility there was a troll stealing/leaking passwords, so be careful.
Whatever the reason it is, I ended up on this account with the impression it was an collab/open account for anyone. I don't need the password and I'm not asking for your account either. I'm sorry to concern you, whether this was a mixup or a genuine problem with trolls. I hope you have a lovely day regardless.

20.05.2022 11:20
Linkaw i like how your so formal anyways, there was a public account i created - everybody here

20.05.2022 11:21
Link((no space between everybody and her)) yeah i dont remember the pass so please go ask the users on it

25.05.2022 01:57