

30.12.2020 22:10
Linkso as most of you should know, i cant do flipinim without having something to cover me bc im not allowed to be on it, now i am quitting flipanim bc i am going back to school- BUT i will start a youtube channel with something called lostember or around my name, but this will be years later, and for that i really am upset about leaving but remember me! and ill see you on youtube when im like 20 or smthin idk lmao but ty for bein here with me, and supporting me, and i didnt reach my goal for flipanim, but ill miss yall and the community, and i may come back idk, but well have to see what life has in store for me, o and also im 13 now! but ty for being my friends and supporting yall are amazing dont forget that!

30.12.2020 22:10
Linki will miss you all tho

30.12.2020 22:16
Linkill also be using a different oc for my main fursona on there and itll be a lolbit sorta thing, ill use most of my ocs on here so be on the lookout for me in the next 15 years lol

30.12.2020 22:41
Linkand if you hav snapchat and want to stay in touch, my username is kirrabp
^^ i had a lot of fun on here and i hope you did too, ill see yall on youtube in maybe 13 years lol

I'm gonna miss you a lot I feel stupid for not being able to finish your customs at all because I have no idea how to draw the last design I'll never forget you, you were kind of a semi friend to me also wow your the same age as me Im almost 13 as well, do you happen to have discord so we can keep in touch?
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