Razor Sharp (jsabfm)
shes beautiful
Tesla's fire
snow white
Ginger fan-gif
cuptoast my beloved
I need ideas for FA office
12.02.2019 17:35
Linkhelp I'm not funny
12.02.2019 17:35
Linkthat comment was ;0
12.02.2019 17:37
Linkmy humor is being sucked into a black hole of motivationlessness and lack of creativity
12.02.2019 17:38
LinkYes uwu it is hard to fight the power, but you must put through, and find the evidence and, and state of creativity
Ummmm, you should make FA just doing work, and have people countinusly asking for features, and he just gets so mad, that he just punches a hole, through his desk, pull up his cp, and swing it at everybody, wrapping around them, then they just go flying out a window :D
I’m not even gonna ask to include myself in here but this is a funny idea
Job interview’s
Interviewing some of the people , and with how crazy some flipanim users are it will be funny