+people they were asses 2


28.11.2021 20:24

28.11.2021 20:31
LinkSo. I apologise if this gets a bit, ouch but uh, this pisses me off
Remember when I dated someone?
Well I sure do.
The reason we broke up is because I didn't really have the mental capability to really know how to react with mentions of s*icide
and I was not told that this was entirely the issue with the relationship. So yes they broke up with me :), and I must say I was in kind of a desperate state at that moment and well thus is the reason I got a bit,,, pissy, were my actions really called for? No. Reasonable? No. But in reality I was simply trying to separate myself from that situation so my current confused anger wouldn't cause the situation to escalate. But. The thing is I simply got more and more mad because the situation kept getting shoved in my face. But it took at least 1 full week until I actually got the full extent of the root of this issue
but by that time I was getting accused of being uhh
manipulative, gaslighting, and neglectful

28.11.2021 20:33
LinkBut in reality I wasn't, nor at least trying to be. It may have come off that way because of my tendancy to completely separate myself from people who I have issues with.
But after time went on I realized yes I was shit, so you know what, I went and I fixed myself, and I apologized to those in which I hurt in that situation.

28.11.2021 20:37
LinkBut the thing is. This specific person I'm talking about, was like "oh yeah we can vibe" but was literally no different.
After a while of being around them I slowly started to realize, that they never really gave me even an ounce of showing actual partnership. Every time I vented about anything all they had to say to me was "your parents lick pussy haha" and then every time we got into an argument this person decided to use everything k vented about as a way to well, blame me. As if saying my issues are a decent excuse to be an ass. When in reality I never really said anything like that. But they simply used this as a way to say "you're just as scummy as me because you have home issues"

28.11.2021 20:45
LinkBut the thing is, the difference between them and me is
I'm not going to straight up go to someone's page and taunt them when they obviously don't want to talk to you and simply say "piss cum ass fück" or something along those lines. And then when that person gets frustrated I don't accuse them of gaslighting people and call them slurs relating to mental disabilities.
So no
comparing themself to me is probably the most insulting thing I've ever been told.
They simply lied about a lot of things, never once talked to me about it.
I don't know how to deal with s*icide and I think I made that
pretty clear to them. I don't know what to say because I felt like if I said one thing wrong they'd simply do it.
And no I did not ignore them, no I'm not blaming them for having those thoughts hell I'm not even blaming them for the situation. But I am mad at them for making up lies, being horrible when we were dating, and never giving me any space

28.11.2021 20:49
LinkAnd now for current times
I'm not putting too much information on this because uh, reasons
so anyway my current s/o and their friend had a bit of an issue
this person decided to literally say to me about my s/o that "they are the reason my bestie has mental issues" when in reality it was simple "I don't want to talk to you"
and so I got mad. Because they are willing to hurt someone very close to me over an issue their bestie and my s/o were even to make up over

28.11.2021 20:50
LinkPS: swb minions
hi yes I am aware you are probably here to collect info for your boss
go ahead
you know who you are
Comment removed

28.11.2021 21:02
LinkOh yeah have proof

03.12.2021 18:01
LinkEdit time:
so anyways I forgot to add this and I have the memory of a goldfish.
But this person I'm raging about, has done like really disgusting things.
They have publicly declared my deadname despite I made it very obvious I didn't want it known.
They have sent their "minions" to harass me on multiple occasions, especially on vents that had NOTHING to do with them.
They shove their nose in everyone's business.
They publicize things that people REALLY didn't want to be known about them.
They lie
they snitch
they manipulate.

As someone who doesnt have a side here and is kinda just. In the middle let me tell both of you smth.
Both of you have done wrong
Both of you have been asses to eachother, both of you are
That person in question very well should have told you things when the relationship was going bad, but, you should have maybe asked how to help (that is if you didn't)
your current s/p, as someone who hears a lot of stuff about them, and read a lot of their responses, i'm not totally letting them off the hook either. While the others shouldn't attack them like this, they shouldn't just go "oh i'm an asshole" and then do nothing about it, because that's genuinely not ok.
Both parties in this situations are right, hell I might even say that both are wrong, but that'd be exaggerating a bit (1)
Comment removed

Oh yeah I get it mate I really do -
Lets just say that
You both got negatively impacted/inherited negative things from other-
It was a very very toxic relationship on both sides, no one can deny that- and you both still take up a lot of space in each others minds,( don't say that you don't- because by the constant fighting and bickering you both do you have made it pretty clear that you cant get out of each other's heads,)
But I don't expect either of you to forgive nor forget quickly,, it takes a lot of time, and **both people**, hence on **both** people, have to work on it, because if no one does, it'll just be like this forever- and quite frankly I don't think anyone wants that unless you're like, insane or smth./nm

I used to be friends with them (I think you may know) and honestly? They first seemed nice and fun to talk to, then so suddenly they just were leaving me on read or Ignoring my texts??? Like I genuinely back then got so sad from that, not bc of them leaving me on read, because it was someone who I used to vent to. Now I just don't know, maybe either I didn't know better or they were busy